All Other Forms
Below you will find some itemized forms that require completion only when applicable.
These are found in the admissions packet but are made available for convenience if the single form is required.
Student Prescription Form: You must fill out this form only if prescription medication must be administered to your child while he or she is at school. Even if the student self-administers this medication, this form must be filled out.
Volunteer Form: One of the greatest assets of Athens Bible School is parent volunteers. Your involvement in the school’s activities is essential in creating the family atmosphere we are striving for. This form needs to be filled out by any parent who desires to substitute teach, help with fundraisers, be a room mother, etc. For those who volunteer, we only require one form per family.
Expanded Child Care Program: This program is provided to parents whose children are in Kindergarten through sixth and require their children to remain at school until they are able to pick them up. This program is available Monday – Friday from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Transcript Release Request: Authorizes the student’s previous school to release information to Athens Bible School.
Tuition Agreement/Payment Plan: This form contains tuition and fee information and provides payment plan options. One of these forms must be completed per family and signed by the parent of the enrolled child or children.
Bank Draft Form and Charge Card Authorization Form: As a convenience for our parents, we offer two monthly payment options: 12-month and 10-month. To use these payments, a family must complete a bank draft or credit card charge authorization form.
ABS Athletic Forms: Required for all students to participate in athletics.
Permission to Drive On Campus Form: All 10th – 12th graders who will be driving to school, need to bring this completed form to be filed in the office.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available to any family who wishes to apply. This must be picked up in the main office.